Sam Wilde collaborated with both the municipals of Zhuhai and Jinan in China to create a series of street art sculptures themed around the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil from the garden of Eden.
This reimagined rendition of Eden plays on the tension between the organic and the man-made. Envisioning a world where artificial fertilisers and genetically-modified crops have leaked into the ecosystem and ‘super-charged’ the environment. Causing the fruits and flowers of paradise to undergo a remarkable transformation and proliferate in abundance.
A place where the once-pristine beauty of nature has succumbed to factors such as population growth, technological advancements and the relentless pursuit of global resources, altering the course of evolution as we know it. Amidst the urban backdrop the instillations create a small oasis of dystopian utopia. Here, new life forms emerge that are neither fully natural nor fully synthetic, but somewhere between the two.