Considered a companion world to Quandary Quagmire, Sumptuous Getaway depicts a seascape archipelago dotted with tropical islands.

Under the sanctuary of giant wax palms these exquisite beasts roam the islands in blissful freedom, filling their bellies with exotic fruits.

The inspiration behind this world came from fantastical animal skin rugs designed by renowned Austrian-born architect, artist and textile designer Josef Frank. Frank's imaginative body of work reflects the beauty and fragility of the natural world, and the rugs he created offered a genuine alternative to the real animal skins that were popular in people's homes at the time.

A repeating pattern of sleepy tigers lounging on tropical islands in happy pastel colours.
Sumptuous Getaway · Seafoam
Digital illustration in dark blues showing glowing tigers resting on a series of mini islands.
Sumptuous Getaway · Aegean
Pink colourway of a repeating pattern showing big cats sleeping on islands in an ocean paradise.
Sumptuous Getaway · Coral
Product shot of millennial pink tray showing a tropical ocean pattern featuring tigers and islands.